Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Words of Praise!

Thank you to everyone who made STF 2008 so wonderful and memorable. It's probably my personal most anticipated weekend of the year,and it never fails to lift my sprits and light a fire in my belly(under my @ss, which I also need). What a privledge to breathe in the same air as you all, to be in your ambient, to hear your stories, and to learn and be inspired by you in my own work. 
I invite you all to come and check out my new blog(thanks to Norah, for showing me how!) so that we can keep "talking "and keep fueling our fires together. You can find me at http://doriastories.blogspot.com/ Let's talk soon, Doria

Moose Moments for April
This last weekend there were mass sightings of Moose in New Hampshire at STF NSC. They were presenters, participants and volunteers. Thank you to all who participated and special thanks to the tellers of the Granite State for being such  wonderful hosts these past three years!! Please join us on Wed. for Gail Rosen and throughout the Month for your storytelling adventures. Learnin Vernin, Web Manager and Moose Herder

Another STF triumph! What a vibrant,growing and talented community we have. Every single one of us should be very proud to be a member. We were warmed by story, intellectual challenges, food and drink and most importantly, Friendship! Love to each and everyone of you , Libby Franck

Wow-what a conference Thanks to all who worked so hard and so well, Norah

link(storm fools)  Stories for change online meeting place for community    digital storytelling   
facilitator, and advocates.

Thanks to the STF Committee, Volunteers and Board,
Thanks you for the BEST EVER STF! WOW, that is saying a lot after coming to around 13 of them. Everything was just so wonderful, right down to the closer with the fantastic student tellers!!! Thanks for all of your hard work. It showed and was much appreciated. See you in Rhode Island in 2009!!! Stu Mendleson(teaching drumming to kids)

I am back in Illinois-but my heart is out east! What a wonderful weekend.
Thanks to everyone who welcomed this old man into your midst! The organizers deserve applause. The presenters were wonderful. The volunteers went well beyond the norm. The sandwich wraps were...(well -one can't ask for everything. But Sunday's breakfast and Saturday night's meal were delicious).
It was a pleasure being asked to serve as a host and to lead a swap at STF. It is good to be involved. Best to all! I hope to see some of you at Northlands at the end of the month and at the National Conference in August.
Sincerely, Mike Lockett

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